Because-We-Can Movement Steering Committee
Ms NEEMA BOJI Prudence
Plaideur Des Enfants Et Des Personnes Agees A Risque (PEPA) (Pleaders of children and Elderly People at risk). Goma RD, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Gender and Sexual Reproductive Health Officer
Neema Graduated in Health and Community Development at the Université Libre de Pays de Grand-Lac (ULPGL). She first worked as the Supervisor in charge of Communication for Behaviour Change, Training and Research at the Provincial Health Division of North Kivu: Program: Reproductive Health (UZAZI BORA / PNSR) for 8 Months (from January 15 to August 15, 2019), then as Investigation Officer at the Ebola Response Monitoring Commission, from November 1, 2019 - February 29, 2020.
Currently she is responsible for gender and sexual and reproductive health at PEPA.

Mr Luchulumanco Nanto
South African
LuchuluManco Nanto Foundation. Cape Town, South Africa.
Founder and Managing Director
Luchulumanco, is a 26-year-old trailblazer who has demonstrated a strong sense of governance at a young age. He is the founder of the Luchulumanco Nanto Foundation. A Foundation that was established as a tool to fast track socio-economic freedom through research, youth advocacy, climate change awareness, HIV/AIDS work, and to support democracy through dialogue programmes on issues of race, identity, unemployment, poverty alleviation and social action. He is currently practicing as a Finance and Operations Manager, and is the Country Director for the Global Youth Network. He is an accomplished orator, an author and a 2021 Mail & Guardian Top 200 Young South Africans Fellow.

Mr Rogers Omollo
Activate Action. Homabay, Kenya.
Founder and Director
Rogers Omollo is the founder of Activate Action a community-based organization in Homabay Kenya, where he also serves as an adolescent program officer working with young people as a mentor on sexual reproductive health rights, mental health, child online protection, life skills. As his way of giving back to the community, Rogers has developed a youth-friendly center at Makongeni hospital, where free services and information on HIV, contraception, adherence counselling, sexuality, and life skills are offered to help the young people cope with the life challenging situation such as unemployment, mental health, unhealthy relationships, and teenage pregnancies. Rogers also serves in other leadership position including ONE Champion East Africa and Homa-Bay county global peace ambassador.

Ms Faida Amurani Phiri
Umunthu Plus. Nkhotakota, Malawi.
Youth and Women Empowerment Projects Coordinator
Faida Amurani Phiri is a 28-year-old motivated and experienced female from Malawi currently working with Umunthu Plus, a Malawian NGO working towards alleviating challenges that youth, girls and young women face when accessing Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) and other health related services as Women and Youth Empowerment Projects Coordinator.
She is a passion driven and very experienced person in program and project management with a special expertise in SRHR program design and execution. She holds a bachelor's degree in social work, a 2018 Young African Leadership Initiative (YALI RLC Africa) alumni.
Having experience in youth programming and implementation emanated from volunteer and paid work, I have passionately managed to contribute to the success of several projects related to youth, girls and women empowerment in health, education and human rights during my paid work with local NGOs and volunteer work for International NGOs.

Ms Rosette Nkundimfura
Girls’ Leaders Forum (GLF). Kigali, Rwanda.
Founder and Legal Representative
Rosette is a Rwandan Gender activist, passionate about women and Girls’ empowerment. Currently working as Capacity Development Officer at Profemme Twese Hamwe, a former Gender Specialist at ADRA Rwanda and supporting programmes aimed at reducing the gender imbalance. As a social justice activist, she serves on different Social Change Organisations.
Rosette is the Founder and Legal Representative of Girls’ Leaders Forum (GLF) which unites all Girls’ Leaders in 20 Universities and Higher Learning Institution and 5 Secondary schools in Rwanda and the Vice –President of Network for Sustainable Economic Development Organizations (NSEDO). She believes that Girls of Virtues becomes Women of Substance.
Prior to that, she has also been serving as Gender Mainstreaming Officer in charge of Governance Cluster in the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion. She also served as Gender commissioner and advocate for girls’ empowerment at National University of Rwanda Student Union. In addition to that, she is the Co-Founder of Omega Empowered women Cooperative.
She is also Advisor of Esther Generation Ministries. Rosette holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political and Administrative Sciences and Master’s Degree of Social Sciences in Gender and Development from University of Rwanda. In 2019 she got an award for the best Performer student in the Masters program at University of Rwanda/Center for Gender Studies.
Rosette has firmly contributed to the design and implementation of programs of the umbrella which include: Advocacy for women’s rights; Women Economic empowerment and gender equality promotion; Peace building; Partnerships building; Institutional and organizational development. She has also contributed to the advocacy for the implementation of different national, regional and International instruments for gender equality promotion.

Mr. Ngoni Progress Jemwa
Zimbabwe Institute for Girls Empowerment (ZIGE). Harare, Zimbabwe.
Programmes Coordinator
Ngoni is a Public Policy analyst and a Development Practitioner. He holds a Masters degree in Public Policy and Development Management, a BSc in Development Studies, an Executive Certificate in Monitoring and Evaluation, a Diploma in Leadership and Governance, a Certificate in Agriculture, a Certificate in Food Security, Nutrition and HIV and AIDS Management, a Certificate in Public Health and health Management and a Certificate in Introduction to Human Rights and HIV. He has a vast experience in working with youth, women, politicians and the community in general. Currently he is working as a Programmes Coordinator for Zige.

Ms. Patience B Dube
Hope Alive Child Network. Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
Founder and Coordinator
Patience is a young woman leader aged 34 - the Founder and Coordinator of HOPE ALIVE CHILD NETWORK which a community based organization working with children adolescents and young people on the Sustainable Development Goal interventions in Matabeleland North and Bulawayo Provinces in Zimbabwe.
She is a Community Development Practitioner and Counsellor by training with a Bachelor of Honors Degree in Psychology from the University of Zimbabwe (2011); Bachelor of Special Honors in English Literature from the University of Zimbabwe (2011); Post-Graduate Diploma in Community Development from the University of Zimbabwe (2010) and MSc Monitoring and Evaluation- Lupane University (pending). She also holds a certificate of Facilitation with CONDOA INSTITUTE (2015) and a certificate in Access to Safe Abortion with ARASA (2020).
A dedicated young leader and human rights advocate, over the years Patience has been nominated to sit on a number of strategic and influential boards in Zimbabwe. The peak of her meaningful participation in Civil Society work has been witnessed through her nomination in the GLOBAL FUND’s CCM (COUNTRY COORDINATING MECHANISM) BOARD in Zimbabwe (2018-2023). She is serving as an Alternate Member to the Substantive representing all AIDS SERVICE ORGANISATIONS in Zimbabwe.
In addition she has been nominated into the Girls Not Brides Zimbabwe Steering Committee on ending child marriages in Zimbabwe (2020-2023). Recently she was nominated to represent Civil Society in Zimbabwe in the ACT-Accelerator Facilitation Council on Health which is coordinated by WHO and STOPAIDS.
Patience is the recipient of the SADC WOMEN’S FORUM & LEADERSHIP EXCELLENCE AWARDS- 2019 AFRICA IMPACT AWARD. A seasoned Facilitator and Trainer in Health, Social Protection, Child Rights and Women Empowerment has seen her grow into a Consultant for Civil Society in Governance and Health, Child Rights and Gender Programming for both Community Based Organizations, Civil Society Organizations and Private Companies.

Ms Chanda Nsofwa
Family Health Trust. Lusaka, Zambia.
Team Leader: Youth Leadership Programmes Coordinator
Chanda holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Development Studies. Her key work areas include: Youth Leadership whereby she builds the capacities of adolescent girls and young women to identify their leadership potential; As Master trainer in Sexual reproductive health and rights with a focus on HIV prevention programs/projects; Trainer in youth leadership and policy engagement. In addition she also works on social development, gender mainstreaming policies and women empowerment, SRHR global advocacy and community mobilisation/engagement.
Personal Achievements
Steering committee member of Because We Can Movement under Partners for Sexual Health, South Africa.
Awarded a scholarship as a community advocate to attend the 2021 HIV research for prevention global conference.
Selected to represent Zambia at Young African Leaders Initiative 2019 Tech-camp in Lagos, Nigeria.
Selected to be trained as a civic leader for the Young African Leadership Initiative at University of South Africa, Business School of Leadership. March 2017.
Awarded a full scholarship to attend the 2016 International Aids Society Conference as a community advocate for sexual reproductive health rights. Durban, South Africa
Selected to represent Zambia and dance4life international as a youth delegate at 2016 United Nations on International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in New York, from 11-15 April 2016.
Selected as a youth delegate to represent Zambia and dance4life at the 2016 European Week of Action for girls at European Union, Brussels.
Selected and trained as a global advocate in Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights under the dance4life change makers project. Amsterdam, Netherlands.(www.dance4life.org). January, 2015.
Awarded a full scholarship under community advocates to attend the 2014 global HIV prevention research conference in South Africa.(www.hivr4p.org)
Selected to represent Zambia and Africa in Amsterdam Netherlands at the 2013 Voice of Youth on HIV prevention and Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights. (www.dance4life.org)
A Movement for Youth-led Organisations by

Partners in Sexual Health National Office
15C Parin Road
Parow Industria, 7493
Cape Town

+27 21 932 6377